That being said, I don’t think it’s wrong to vote for Moore. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who last month called on Moore to step aside from the race, said last week that the election is in the hands of the Alabama voters. Moore, who will face off against Democratic candidate Doug Jones on Tuesday, initially lost the support of multiple Republican lawmakers due to the allegations. In the same piece, Thorp alleges that Moore asked her on a date while she was working at a local restaurant at age 17. When she asked if Moore knew how old she was, she says he replied, “Yeah. I go out with girls your age all the time.”

She said that during their dates, he provided bottles of Mateus Rosé wine and tropical cocktails, although the legal drinking age in Alabama at the time was 19. In January 2018, Corfman filed a defamation lawsuit against Moore and against his Senate campaign, because he had said that her accusation was “false and malicious”. In April 2018, Moore filed a defamation suit against Corfman and four others.

Moore called the accusations “absolutely false,” and said that he isn’t familiar with the restaurant that Nelson says he frequented. Nelson presented her high school yearbook, which includes a signature from Moore. Moore and his lawyer have claimed without evidence that the yearbook is fake. Senate Judge Roy Moore speaks during a campaign event at the Walker Springs Road Baptist Church on November 14, 2017 in Jackson, Alabama.

Some are saying they would back him even if the the claims against him are true. JACKSON, Ala. — Taking the pulpit at a Baptist revival at a south Alabama church, Republican Roy Moore quoted lengthy Bible passages and made only passing reference to the allegations against him of sexual misconduct with teenagers. Moore, an outspoken Christian conservative and former state Supreme Court judge, attacked a Washington Post report that he had sexual contact with a 14-year-old girl and pursued three other teenagers decades earlier as “completely false and misleading.”

New Allegations Surface Against Moore As His Campaign Tries To Discredit An Accuser

She said she was caught off-guard by the action and did not tell her mother, who was also present. In a story published on Wednesday, Tina Johnson of Gadsden, Alabama, described being allegedly groped by Moore after meeting with him in 1991 to review a custody petition involving her son and mother. Instead, she said, he parked his car next to a dumpster behind the restaurant and sexually assaulted her. The latest accuser came forward on Monday, reading a detailed statement at a news conference in New York alongside attorney Gloria Allred. On Nov. 10, the day after The Washington Post article was published, Moore spoke to conservative personality Sean Hannity on his radio show and denied the allegations, at times going into specifics about the different allegations. When asked, “Do you remember dating girls that young at that time?” Moore answered “Not generally, no.” Answering “No” would have been the best answer.

Allred said that she and Nelson would welcome an independent expert to view the message, so long as it was accompanied by a US Senate hearing. She repeated their request for Moore to testify about the incident under oath. On August 13, 2022, Roy Moore was awarded $8.2 million in a defamation lawsuit against the Democratic-aligned Senate Majority PAC by a jury trial; the case is currently on appeal. Moore also ran twice, unsuccessfully, for the Alabama GOP gubernatorial nomination. Earlier this year, he entered the race to fill the Senate seat of Jeff Sessions, who became U.S. attorney general. Then-Governor Robert Bentley appointed Luther Strange to temporarily fill that seat.

Senate GOP Campaign Arm Ends Fundraising For Roy Moore Over Accusations

Moore, a former chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, maintains he held about an 11-point lead in polling over Jones when Corfman’s allegations were published and he subsequently lost the race to Jones by less than 2 percentage points. In a Washington Post report, Corfman alleged that when she was 14 in 1979, Moore approached her while she was outside a courtroom with her mother. When her mother entered for a hearing, Moore stayed with her and asked for her phone number, then picked her up a few days later to take her to his home. She says he kissed her, and that during a second visit he took off his clothes and removed her shirt and pants, touching her and making her touch his crotch. Moore’s campaign says that these allegations are “garbage,” and “the very definition of fake news.”

She declined to tell him, only to receive a call at school a few days later from Moore. When she eventually relented and went on a date with him, she says he gave her an unwanted, “forceful” kiss that left her scared. kasualapp com Moore later spoke publicly, calling Nelson’s accusations of sexual misconduct against him “absolutely false.” When asked a compound question, the person will usually answer the last question asked of him.


Deason says they met at the local mall, where she worked at a department store. They dated for several months, going to his house at least twice but never physically going further than kissing. Moore told Fox News host Sean Hannity that the allegations couldn’t be true because the county was dry at the time, even though Etowah County approved alcohol sales 7 years before Deason alleges the dates. Beverly Young Nelson, speaking on Monday at a news conference in New York with attorney Gloria Allred, alleged Moore sexually assaulted her when she was 16.

Instead, the jury determined no defamation from either side took place. Another possibility suggested by Washington Republicans is that Sessions would run for his old seat and step down as attorney general. However, a source close to Sessions told the Guardian that “he has been telling folks in Alabama he isn’t interested”. McConnell actively supported the appointed incumbent Luther Strange against Moore in the runoff to fill the Senate seat that was vacated by Jeff Sessions’ confirmation as attorney general. Nelson had produced her high school yearbook, which Moore signed, and said Moore had been a regular at the restaurant where she worked. Richardson said she eventually agreed to go on a date with Moore.

Three women alleged that he had sexually assaulted them, two of which were minors at the time while Moore was then in his 30s. Six other women recalled Moore pursuing romantic relationships or engaging in inappropriate or unwanted behavior with them while they were between the ages of 14 and 22. Anyone who continues to support him will earn an indelible mark on their record. Notice that Stephen Colbert went after Louis CK, a fellow big-time comedian who was scheduled to appear on The Late Show that very night, after The New York Times reported five women accused CK of initiating non-consensual sexual encounters.

GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore denies allegation of sexual misconduct years ago with 14-year-old girl

Jauregui also referenced that in 1999, when Moore was a circuit court judge in Alabama, the candidate’s signature appears on documents relating to Nelson’s divorce from her husband at the time, Ervine Lee Harris. Moore’s signature does appear on documents obtained by ABC News related to Nelson’s divorce proceedings from 1999. Eight women have accused Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore of sexual misconduct or impropriety. Moore responded, “It would’ve been out of my customary behavior.” He also said he would’ve never dated a woman without her mother’s permission but added that Thacker and Gibson’s mothers had encouraged the girls to be friends with him. Julian McPhillips, an attorney representing Moore, who was twice elected and removed as chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, told jurors that Moore had never even seen Corfman until they were in the same room for jury selection.